Saturday, June 30, 2012

Framed Floral Picture

This is the first cross stitch project I ever made. I have been trying many simple designs but when I saw this one, I decided to do it. I hope you like it!

The design was a chart in "Attractive Cross Stitch Designs" published by Ondori. Here is the chart and colors (click on the image for a higher resolution version):

You will need:
- 45cm by 52cm cream java cloth (10cm of fabric = 35 square meshes)
- DMC 6-strand embroidery floss as follows:
3 skeins of 3689
2 skeins of 911-350-352
1.5 skeins of 761
1 skein of 471-321-349
1/2 skein of 815-304-948-347-937-469-470-472
- A frame
* The book is a bit old, so if the floss numbers have changed, do not worry. You can use the new ones.

Here is how it looked in the book:


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Savory Mille-Feuille

We have never tried making a savory cake before and finally we decided to try it out with mille-feuille in my last birthday party. It was so delicious, it took no time, and everyone liked it. Hope you like it too!
احنا مجربناش قبل كدة نعمل تورتة حادقة مع إننا سمعنا إنها بتبقى حلوة قوي ولذيذة، وأخيرًا قررنا نجرب برقائق الملفيه
وفعلًا كانت لذيذة جدًا ومخدتش وقت خالص في التحضير وكل اللي داقها عجبته، يارب تعجبكم انتو كمان

Bring anything you can get your hands on :) We grated some carrots and used  bell peppers, olives, and sausage.
هي ملهاش مكونات بالذات، أي حاجة موجودة تنفع :) بالنسبة لنا بشرنا شوية جزر وقطعنا فلفل أخضر شرائح وممكن أي فلفل ملون

We also used smoked Turkey slices with mayonnaise since we believe they are inseparable.
كمان استخدمنا شرائح الديك الرومي المدخنة مع المايونيز عشان الاتنين مع بعض بيبقى طعمهم خطير

Start by spreading mayonnaise generously over the first layer.
نبدأ أول خطوة بوضع المايونيز على أول طبقة ملفيه ومش هوصيكم بقى على كمية المايونيز، مش كل يوم الواحد بيعمل تورتة حادقة

Then lay the turkey slices on top. We cut them into small bites to be easier for us to cut the torte at the end.
وبعدين نرصص شرائح الديك الرومي المدخن فوقها، واحنا قطعنا الشرائح لقطع صغيرة عشان تبقى أسهل في تقطيع التورتة النهائية

Now put the second layer and spread any cream cheese over it. You can use a third layer with other fillings but we preferred to keep it a two-layered torte.
وبعدين نحط الطبقة الثانية من الملفيه ونفرد عليها أي جبنة كريمية حسب النوع اللي بتفضلوه، الطبيعي إننا نحط طبقة ثالثة من الملفيه ونحشيها ونزوقها هي كمان بس احنا المرة ده قررنا نكتفي بطبقتين

Now you can decorate the top as you like. In this one, we used sausages to draw simple flowers and green bell pepper for the leaves.
دلوقت مش باقي غير تزويق السطح، وهنا احنا استخدمنا الفرانكفورتر بعد ما قطعناه دواير ورسمنا بيه شكل ورد وحطينا حواليه فلفل أخضر قطعناه على شكل ورق الشجر

In this one, we drew circles of green olives, grated carrots, and sausages.
وفي التورتة ده رسمنا دواير بالزيتون الأخضر والجزر المبشور والفلفل الأخضر

Here we used the same ingredients in another formation.
وفي التورتة ده استخدمنا نفس المكونات السابقة بس بشكل مختلف

- You can use three layers instead of two and you can even use one layer and decorate it as you may.
- Tuna and mayonnaise make a great filling too.
- It is better to keep your torte in the fridge for two hours before serving to allow the layers to tenderize and avoid unnecessary breaks when cutting it.
ممكن تستخدموا ثلاث طبقات ملفيه أو حتى طبقة واحدة وتزوقوها زي ما تحبوا
لو جربتوا خلطة التونة والمايونيز مع لوازمهم هتدعولي
لو حطيتوا التورتة في الثلاجة ساعتين بس قبل التقديم يكون أفضل عشان تلحق الطبقات تطرى ويسهل تقطيعها عشان متتكسرش أثناء التقطيع
وبالهنا والشفا

Bon Appetit!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Origami Hopping Frog

Today I want to share with you an origami frog. I especially love this pattern because it provides more details and it is easy. I hope you like it.

We will start with a white or colored paper. Today, my sister Olive Oil draw some circles on a white paper with crayons. You can use a colored paper too.

Fold the paper in half and fold each half in half diagonally to make two triangles, then cut the remaining part.

The aim is to have a rectangle composed of two equal squares. Make two diagonal creases in each square.

With the help of the fold lines, make a triangle from each square.

It will look like this. Now bring this end to the upper tip and fold.

Then fold it again by half.

This is the first leg of our frog.

Do the same with the other legs and you are done working on that side.

Turn it around and bring the two free ends to the middle.

Fold the lower part.

Tuck the two sides inside it.

Now you have your frog.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Butterfly Fish

Here is another felt project that I did. It is a yellow butterfly fish with black stripes.

These are the elements I used:
- pieces of yellow and black felt
- 6 strand black yarn for sewing
- polyester fiber for stuffing
- glue to fix some parts

Here are the exact measurements of the required pieces as illustrated in the book entitled "Lovable Mini-Dolls" by Terumi Otaka:

And here are the patterns of all the needed parts:

- Wash your hands before working with the yellow parts because they can be stained easily.
- The original design was done with yellow and blue but I used black instead of blue because I liked the two colors more :)


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Crochet Runner

Today I would like to share with you this filet crochet table runner. It was done by my sister Olive Oil who is into crochet very much.

For everyone who wants to try out this simple and easy project, here is the pattern just for you:


I received a comment about the quality of the attached pattern, and here is an enhanced version of it.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Flower Basket

This is another project done by my two sisters. Each one of them did the stitch she prefers.

Olive Oil saw this wonderful basket while browsing picasaweb and she felt it would be great if embroidered on a suitable fabric with matching colors.
Here is the link of the album and the pattern:

They used satin stitch for the yellow petals and green leaves, crossing lines in the orange center (you can use french knots too), and stem stitch in all the branches. As for the basket's handle and bow, they are done with a tight herringbone stitch. Finally, for the basket they made long lines with a cross at each intersection. I do not know if this method has a name :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Timmy the Tortoise

This is Timmy the Tortoise. I saw him for the first time in a book I borrowed from my cousin. I did many projects from the book which I intend to share with you soon. Unfortunately, I do not remember the title. Anyway, here is the pattern and some instructions.

To do this project (36cm across) you will need:
- 40X75cm fabric for the body
- 20X90cm fabric for the head, legs, and tail
- black and white pieces of felt for the eyes
- two colors of yarn for the back
- stuffing

Start by sewing the six darts in the back to make the curves. I prefer to embroider the circles on the back at this stage too, they are done with chain stitch. Then you can join the two body pieces, the head pieces, the legs, and the tail. Take care to sew the head at the marked place in the body, and to do the same with the legs. Finish up with the eyes and mouth.

Timmy can be used as a floor cushion, it can be put on chairs or couches, and it makes a wonderful footrest if it is firmly stuffed.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Simplest Appetizers Ever

What do you think? Are you tempted to taste this delicious appetizer? It is super easy. We prepared it for my last birthday and it was fun doing and eating. You can prepare it for parties and let your children help and the wonderful thing it looks so professional :)

You will need:
- cherry tomatoes
- Any type of relatively hard cheese (we used Gouda)
- flower-shaped cutters to cut the cheese
- bell pepper
- sausages
- sunbites or toasted bread
- skewers of course
* You can add anything like olives or pickles. Use your imagination!

Just put everything together in skewers and you are done!

Tip: Do not prepare it too early coz sunbites tends to moisturize and become tender.
صنف سهل عشان أعياد الميلاد أو الفطار للأطفال
الحاجات اللي ممكن نستخدمها
عشان نعمل الورد اللي فوق هنحتاج أي نوع جبنة ممكن تتقطع وتستحمل ممكن مثلا جبنة جودة أو شيدر أو فلمنك. نقطعها على شكل ورد بقطاعات البسكوت ونستخدم الطماطم الشيري معاها
باقي الحاجات اللي ممكن نستخدمها صن بايتس أو بداله ممكن نستخدم عيش توست نقطعه أي اشكال صغيرة وممكن نتبله بتوم خفيف وزبدة وندخله يتحمص في الفرن
ممكن نستخدم شرايح فلفل أخضر وفلفل ألوان
سوسيس مستوي ومتقطع حلقات
زيتون أسود أو أخضر
بالنسبة للأعواد لو هنعمل طبقات قليلة ممكن نستخدم خل الأسنان
لو هنستخدم طبقات كتير ممكن تعملوا زيي وتستخدموا عصيان الشيش طاووك بعد ما نقسمها بالنص 

*متجهزوش الصنف ده قبلها بكتير عشان الخضار بطبيعته بيكون جواه مية فممكن العيش أو الصن بايتس يشربها ويطرى*

وبالهنا والشفا
Bon Appetit!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Marquetry Flower

فن تعشيق الخشب: من الفنون الجميلة اللي مش كتير بيعملوها محتاجة تركيز ودقة 
بس ممتع جدا ونتيجته تحفة. هو بيستخدم في الموبيليا واللوح لكن بردو بيتعمل من حاجات صغيرة زي علب المناديل والصواني
Marquetry  is the art and craft of applying pieces of veneer to a structure to form decorative patterns, designs or pictures. I really enjoyed that.
Here is my first Marquetry piece
ده رسمة وردة بسيطة متنفذة بتلات أنواع من شرايح الخشب
شرايح الخشب بتتباع في أماكن في العتبة ، ممكن تشتري شريحة من نوع معين أو باكيت فيه أنواع مجمعة

and here is the patten:
وأدي الباترون بتاعها


Monday, June 4, 2012

A String of Flowers

أي حاجة سادة بالنسبة لي كنز، لإني بأقدر أشتغل عليها براحتي. المرة دي هي بتاعة ماما مش بتاعتي
:D وده مش البلوزة الوحيدة ليها اللي عملت فيها كدة   
This is one of my sister Olive Oil's simplest and most elegant embroidery projects. She worked it on mom's blouse and it gave such an effect.

Mom had sewn this blouse but Olive Oil felt it needed an extra touch. So she drew this 6 petal flower and picked colors that go with it perfectly.
الرسمة في منتهى البساطة وردة ست أوراق واخترت لها لون أخضر وأصفر عشان يمشي مع لون البلوزة

عملت صفين ورود موازيين لصف الزراير. الورد استخدمت فيه غرزة الحشو 
والخطوط اللي بينهم غرزة فرع والنقط الصفراء الصغيرة غرزة الركوكو أو العقدة الفرنسية
(إن شاء الله هأعمل لكم دروس عن غرز التطريز المختلفة )
For this design, she worked a series of roses with satin stitch and the straight lines connecting them with stem stitch with some french knots by the sides.

She embroidered two lines parallel to the button line and another on the cuffs.

نسيت أقول لكم إني عملت على الأساور كمان نفس الرسمة لكن بمقياس رسم أصغر

 :)  جربوا كدة رسومات بسيطة وشوفوا قد ايه بتدي تأثير كبير قوي 


Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Cawing Crow

This crow is one of the first origami projects I learned as a kid. It is especially fun for a child because it is interactive. If you hold it by the wings and bring them closer and apart, the crow will open and close its mouth while you mimic its cawing sound. Believe me it interests even the adults.

We start with a square of colorful paper. Fold it in half to form two triangles and then unfold it again. We just want the middle line to guide us.

Fold one side of the paper along the middle line.

Then the other side.

Then do the same with the lower part. Note: you can turn the paper upside down and do this step if it is easier for you.

Unfold everything. Make a horizontal crease in the middle of the paper.

Re-fold everything again. You will have an upper triangle and a lower one with two pockets in the middle.
Fold the paper by putting the tip of the lower triangle on the tip of the higher triangle while keeping the two pockets stick outside.

Now you have the base of your crow, its body and two wings.

Fold the upper triangle to start making the lower part of the beak.

Fold it to the left and then to the right as shown.

Use your fingers to form the lower beak.

Do the same steps to the upper part and you will have a perfect beak.

Now all you have to do is join the two wings together and apart while making a caw sound :)
