Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Cawing Crow

This crow is one of the first origami projects I learned as a kid. It is especially fun for a child because it is interactive. If you hold it by the wings and bring them closer and apart, the crow will open and close its mouth while you mimic its cawing sound. Believe me it interests even the adults.

We start with a square of colorful paper. Fold it in half to form two triangles and then unfold it again. We just want the middle line to guide us.

Fold one side of the paper along the middle line.

Then the other side.

Then do the same with the lower part. Note: you can turn the paper upside down and do this step if it is easier for you.

Unfold everything. Make a horizontal crease in the middle of the paper.

Re-fold everything again. You will have an upper triangle and a lower one with two pockets in the middle.
Fold the paper by putting the tip of the lower triangle on the tip of the higher triangle while keeping the two pockets stick outside.

Now you have the base of your crow, its body and two wings.

Fold the upper triangle to start making the lower part of the beak.

Fold it to the left and then to the right as shown.

Use your fingers to form the lower beak.

Do the same steps to the upper part and you will have a perfect beak.

Now all you have to do is join the two wings together and apart while making a caw sound :)


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